Maximum 3 tech News Posted but we will post more if we seems like it’s really interesting
No click baits
When it comes to posting, it depends on how we feel about that content. If its news worthy we would post it. We don’t want to post crap like “Last of Us could have looked in EU4 engine” because designing a stage in a game engine and building an actual game is different.
We have a concern with posting rumours. At first we honestly didn’t want to post out rumours, even if it’s clearly fake but people want that kind of posts. People have time to make up a lot of crap as well as make it sound convincing, and it’s easy to get a lot of clicks of it. We don’t feel comfortable posting rumours that we know is FAKE or feel like its fake, we don’t wait to mislead our views even if we told them to “take it with a grain of salt”. There so much to debate about posting rumour content so we decided to leave out the rumours that we are doubtless on being fake. For the rumours we feel that is fake (but not sure) or we believe is true we would post our own opinion on the post below including a short sentence for example:
Microsoft Buying P.T for $1 billion
Acutegaming is super awesome
I know it’s true
Owner of Acutegaming owns a console and a PC
It’s possible!
Q. Will you guys be posting reviews?
Yes, currently we are just playing around with the website trying to get the best user experience as possible.