Phil Spencer: Improving Xbox One’s UI Speed; DirectX 12 Improves PC and Xbox Development; Cross Play

Phil Spencer is at it again revealing a lot of interesting information on Twitter. I found the Xbox One UI to be great but some still find it quite slow but today Phil assured that they will be making improvements on the UI. “Speeding up the UI is high on our list of improvements we want to make,” including that DirectX 12 could actually help speed up the user interface and he would prefer to see it rendered in 4K resolution.

Phil identified that they need more time before mentioning anything about Phantom Dust Reboot. The studio change has seemingly hit the game’s development. “Studio change for PD slowed us down. Want to make sure we do it right, will take more time sorry to say,” he clarified.

Phil also claims that DirectX 12 would help studies that want to develop for the xbox one and PC. “Bringing DX12 and XBL to both Win10 and Xbox One helps studios who want to develop for Xbox and PC so yes,”

He also mentioned cross platform play “Cross-play is turning out to be a feature a lot of studios want to implement, especially for co-op.”

Then a fan tweeted “how did you make Xbox one so awesome?” with Phil’s response “I didn’t do anything. Creators make great games, gamers play games, give us feedback, team continues to improve the platform.”

I will admit Phil has been doing a great job recently with Xbox One.



  • carol argo

    Sometime I hate ms engineer,last time we (user )asked speed ,ms either ignored us or set things faster then memory can do its job,we (user)want speed ,yes .but remember that on average memory max is 64 ms .so S tting something to 50 ms (ya some at ms went stupid that day)even tho memory can only go to 64 ms on average ,(sweet spot would have been 65 ms)or there is the other group ,those are so slow ,that the thing so t at 50 is waiting for it but wait ,it can’t some stuff is set at 250 other at 400 ms .etc etc etc.and then there is the interrupt that are MSI/x controlled ,and MSI/x is regulated by lapic .the slowest timing there is when today’s MSI/x scream every minute of the day:I need invariant tsc..and he trow us these news ?oh men.I always love it when ms act like ,oh we got all the time in the world!ROFL ,I m sure google will happily slowdown their 6 week update schedule for ms or apple(chrome os) for now chrome os is busy chewing up on iPad market you think till google find the magic key against window?lol

  • carol argo

    But!there is hope!if ms went to the trouble of doing dx12?maybe they all change the default of MSI/x timing .even tho ms likely won’t try to push to change MSI/x standard if at least ms changed the default on their hardware (example :surface series,Xbox one window phone serie (Intel only I suspect)this alone would go a long way toward redeeming ms past I love window product, but when we went from Analogue to digital all the those years back .the industry made a lot of wrong assumption and mistake.isn’t it time to fix this now that we re on the verge of become augmented reality zombie?(via the holograph,sorry HOLOLENS.but it should be called HOLOGRAPH)